Hours of Operation
Tues & Thurs: 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Office Hours
Retiree Affairs
Retired Enlisted Association
All retired and active duty persons with over ten years of service from all branches of U.S. military are encouraged to attend informative monthly meetings regarding benefits, privileges, etc. The meetings are conducted by local chapters of The Retired Enlisted Association (TREA) and Disabled American Veterans (DAV). They are held the second Monday of every month at 6 PM and 7 PM respectively, at the Woodvalley Recreation Center. Center is located at 1907 Gornto Road, Valdosta, Ga. 31602. Service officers will be on hand to assist with preparing forms for desired benefits.
Please call 229.253.0721 or 229.834.9208 for further information or assistance appointments.
Family Members 75+ ID Cards
Military retirees already receive ID cards with no expiration dates; but, renewing ID cards upon expiration has been a continuing requirement for family members.
The FY 2005 Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) modified this requirement and authorized the Services to issue ID cards without an established expiration date to those dependents and survivors of military retirees who are 75 years of age.
In the past, many Medicare-eligible family members simply let their ID cards expire if they were no where near an installation to use the shopping privileges. But since enactment of TRICARE for Life and TRICARE Senior Pharmacy coverage several years ago, older family members who have Medicare A & B now have a medical benefit and must have a current ID card to use the benefits.